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Donner Hall "Activities"
Yeah, a lot of crazy stuff happens in my hall, frankly, whether some of it is legal or not tends to be a different story. Sometimes when stuff starts to happen, i am there with my, below will be a bunch of pictures and somewhat in some kind of way will be an explanation for it.

By way, if you want to make the pictures bigger, just click on them.

John's Battle Damage
Here is a picture of my neighbors shoulder after a fight with a guy down the hall, bad ass scar now. I was gonna show Nate's wound too, but it wasnt near as cool as this one.
Tom hanging on the edge of a window
Here is Tom hanging on the edge of a window on the second floor of Mickey and Andys room. It was pretty funny considering that Mickey was in the room the whole time and didnt know what was going on.
One successful pile
Like said in the journal, im not really sure how this started, but we ended up just seeing how many people we could stack onto someones back without their balance or knees giving out. Clearly i am not in any of these pictures.
One of the many tumbles
Of course you know that doing this isnt easy, so if you think it suck...and prove it. Hell i could barely hold two people, cause im a big pussy.
Another successful pile
This is another good pictures of one of our piles. Alan likes this picture, apparently because he is on the top of the pile...i dont know...maybe cause he didnt completly jump over it this time.
Glenn climbing the side of the building
Matt climbing the side of the building