Quote of the Week
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How it all began...
Well, a few years back i would always want to put funny or humorous or serious quotes in my profile. But then i started to think, when do i change then, how many can i have, could i have a funny one with a serious one and not have the serious one lose seriousness. By now you can see how big of a problem was on my hands, but of course you would say, why Scott, why dont you just have a quote of the week in your AIM profile instead. And i would respond with "Shut the hell up, ok. So i didnt think of it, this doesnt mean that you are smarter than me...mr fancy pants." And thats how the legend got started.

After my computer broke down, i lost everything, and pretty much was just too lazy to remake the quote of the week in my profile. you know, all the hastles of trying to get the font color changed, yeah. So instead i just waste my time making this page.

Wait...there is a fact of the week too?
Of course there is, dont be a dummy. This story is less entertaining than the one involving the quote of the week. But that doesnt mean you should stop reading, oh no it doesnt. Just becasue you are on my site, doesnt mean that you can do whatever you want to. This is still my site, and you are under my roof, you obey my rules. Anyhow, my old roommate, GLenn, had a friend named Paul who has his entire AIM profile devoted to Facts of the Day. It started out as Fact of the Day, but then he would never change it, so we yelled at him. So he must have thought that making more facts that he never changed was better somehow. So i made a little joke and made a Fact of the Week that said something along the lines of "Facts of the day shouldnt last for seven weeks" I dont know, something witty like that. Any how, from then on out i made a Fact of the Week, they werent always actual factual super intelegent quotes, just things that i picked up that were funny, but true.

I will have a section below for the current fact of the week, and then some of the archives of previous facts. The same will go for the quotes.

Current Quote of the Week

What's a Yager Bomb, compaired to soda AND a yager bomb

~Drunk Kenny

Current Fact of the Week

They wouldn't call Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew...if it didn't rhyme with you.

~ Drunk Kenny (explaning the vast concepts of why you are supposed to drink massive amounts of Mountain Dew)

Quote of the Week Archives

Dude, this tastes beautiful. It's like the symphony in your mouth. ~ Kenny

Mom: This is the collapse.
Dad: Whats that have to do with dice?

Guess who just threw up, and Im still better than all of you.
~ Drunk Me

Me: STUFF ROCKS. Its does indeed. Hsaha. Hehe
Matt: yep
Me: Damn im good. Im gonna make our conversation from now on. Um..ok. Hi mat. Hi. Im talking. I see. How was your day. Not bad. How was yours matt. Fuck you i dont wanna talk about it. Whoa matt, its ok. No, im gonna KILL YOU. Hows that so far
Matt: About accurate

I just ground that picnic table. Haha, is that even a word?
~ Justin (playing THPS)

Jason: It comes with two, wouldnt you need more than one?
Scott: NOt if something gets in the way....like the Roomba.
*eruption of laughter*
Jason: I have no idea what you meant by that. Did you?
Scott: Not really
*laughter continues*

HEY! KID! Get out of the way! *SLAM* (into a mirror)
~ Glenn

Scott: Who is on duty tonight.
A very VERY overtired Steve: hehehe....duty....
Scott :Oh jesus shit you are a fucktard...go to sleep.

Ok, so the pizza guy that called is either a girl, or a very feminine guy.
*Ten minutes later*
Ok, now I dont know...maybe its one of THEM.

JJ:    You said you were going to stop saying the N word...and you just said it five times.
Alan::    I was going to, but its like an airplane...you lay down, and it keeps spinning.

Lit Teacher:   In case you dont know what phallic is...its what the boys have that the girls dont have.
Me:   Logic?

That girl you graduated, he dad, he reads mail. ~mom

I told emily to touch my hard drive....and she did. ~Scooter

What did he accomplish by doing that? No seriously, what the hell did he accomplish? ~ Zak talking about that scary guy walking back and forth the dance floor at the free stupid day after V-Day dance. (a.k.a. The Groover)
(you had to be there)

Jason: What's your beef with him
A very drunk Jess: I dont have beef, I'm a vegetarian.

College sucks, classes get in the way of everything. ~scott

Fact of the Week Archives

It's BLUE!     ~ Fuckin' Titty

Im a dump truck.

Give your child a chance of a lifetime to have a fantasy ride on one of their favorite endangered animals.

They rented that for seven months before they started working...holy crap lost.
~My Mom (yes, she actaully said holy crap lost)

Is it just me, or does D-Love talk like Mr. T when he was on Hogans Heroes?

As you can see by the quote of the week, you should never eat a bunch of sugar, and stay up late watching infomerccials about selling robots. Actually, you should, then you would have been laughing at the quote instead of thinking we are just stupid. hmph...I will show you....

Finals are this week....
Thats not funny....

Over the summer i will TRY to make an online comic...now dont get your hopes up, cause i am going to try, so hopefully in about three weeks i will have something. as of right now, i am writing down scenarios to make into comics, and hopefully during the summer i will hav time to do it on a regular basis, you know, without the homework, exams, papers, going to class, and video games. Instead the summer will just be a job and video games.
Oh yeah, i usually try to make these funny...um, my mouth tastes like spaghetti
wait a minute....the last thing i ate was an egg....an egg that tasted like turkey....from easter....i suddenly dont feel well...

Jeff never had a Job....WHAT THE FUCK?!!!
Ok, thats enough bringing that up. ~Jeff

I fucking rock interviews....oh yeah baby....no one is going to stop me now...im making my way up in the world.

They mean well = They are too stupid for their own good.

Whoever says, laughter is the best medicine, never had their wisdom teeth pulled. I will take the pain killers, thank you very much.

If I were rich, I would buy a box of Bozo trading cards from the source....the source of evil.

My grandpa is entertained by people picking lettuce.

About 5 million people share the same bithday as you, and thousands of people will probibly die on you birthday...now how special does it seem?

Grown up college students should not pull down their pants completely (like a five year old) to take a piss.

Red squirrels are bite-sized for bears.