Random Thoughts
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Explanations...cause I'm so damn confusing
I'm just mainly going to be putting random quotes, thoughts, questions, and other stuff like that, just for fun and for people to hopefully read. I doubt that anyone really will spend much time here, if not, well, prove me wrong then....jeez, some people. I know that you people will just do stuff like tell me, just to prove me wrong, like point out typos and other things that i cant doo right...where is this tangent going? Anyhow...dammit...

I'm a Stalker...hehehe
  Quotes that aren't mine...

Look, everyone! This is what hatred looks like! This is what it does when it catches hold of you! It's eating me alive, and very soon now it will kill me! Fear and anger only make it grow faster!
~Ashitaka (Princess Mononoke)

Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes no stages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love. ~Neil Gaiman.

Ive always believed in those things, although they are not easy to explain, they do happen. Weve all heard stories of the beyond, now and then. I think that sometimes, the world of the dead gets mixed up with the world of the living. ~The Others

It comes and it goes. Some people have it for five seconds, some their whole lives. He's a reciever now, everything's coming in. He can't stop it, he can't slow it down. He can't even figure it out. It's like he's in a tunnel with a flashlight, but the light only comes on every once in a while. He gets a glimpse of something, but not enought to know what it is, just enough to know it's there. ~Stir of Echos

If god is truly just, I tremble for the fate of my country. ~ Thomas Jefferson

I believe every word that man just said, because it is exactly what I wanted to hear. ~Space Ghost

I cant wait until Im older so I can feel ways about stuff. ~ Fry from Futureama

Three old pilots walking on the ramp.
First one says, "Windy, isn't it?"
Second one says, "No, its Thursday!"
Third one says, "So am I. Lets go get a beer."

Oh. Well, sometimes life makes you swallow a curveball in your pipe and make lemonade.

They say music can alter moods and talk to you Well can it load a gun up for you , and cock it too?
~Eminem (Sing for the moment)

Its all about...smiles....and cries. Yeah...you gotta control your smiles and cries, cause thats all you have...and nobody can take that away from you.
~Ethan Hawke (Training Day)

Quotes that are mine...

I wish I wasnt so tall, then my attention span wouldnt seem so short.

I like boozbes.
Did you say booze or boobs?
It doesnt matter.

Yeah, our van broke.
What happened?
The door kinda fell off.

You cant pay for college with candy bars.

Scott: Hey, you know what, we should walk to Cub Foods.
Glenn: What? You want to watch office space?

Im not ignorant, I dont even know what it means.

You left the shopping cart for a bear with no stomach. ~ Scott to Matt

Where did you get this devil fan, this...demon.

Everything is cool when its on fire.

Left chomp, right chomp, ROAST BEEF SAMICH!

Me: Now how am I going to carry my two drinks and my lunch bag. Wait you have a backpack, put the lunch in there. Shut up. Dont tell me to shut up. Whatever.
Lunch lady: Fight nice now.

Scott: Glenn what time is it?
Glenn: Its 8 oclock
Scott: No, Dont call me its 8 oclock, call me Scott.

Just because you are on a diet, doesnt mean you cant have sex with the menu.

Justin, you scared the spirit dog.

Scott: You are stupider than usual.
Drunk Mike: Is that possible?

Scott: I dont understand this. (looking at USA Today)
Jeff: Thats because its a smart persons paper.

College sucks, classes get in the way of everything.

Random Thoughts....

you know those: This is your brain, this is your brain on drugs commercials...do you think that if zombies saw those commercials, that they would like eggs? I mean, they are always walking around randomly with their arms slightly raised, and if the Resident Evil games are correct, in which they are, zombies are pretty stupid, with their walking into things, into other zombies, and their aspect of not being able to walk downt stairs. With zombies being this stupid, i dont think that they know what brains look like. So you handed some zombies some scrambled eggs, they would be content. I mean come on, zombies show up in a lot of black and white movies. So frankly, if you scramble them correctly, the color wont distract them, and the eggs might look like a brain. So if you see a zombie, give them a plate of eggs, or start them on fire.

Shrimp Flavored Condoms??????!!!!!!

Don't shoot! *bang* NOOOOOOO!!
~The dumb fuck civilians running around waving their arm around all crazy like from Virtua Cop 2....I mean seriously, if you didnt want to get shot, stay the fuck down.

Why is it that now whenever you go to the mall, all you see are a bunch of underage sluts pretending to be the shit. I mean seriously, it can really piss a guy off, I just want to sneak in, but a video game or CD without hearing some kids laughing at the fact that the store owners are loitering. Then they get all mad at me cause i look like them due to the fact that i cant grow facial hair worth shit, and i just get even more pissed and wanna run down their damn VW beetles in the parking lot. I mean for fucking out loud!!!

picture this.....a big water wheel, but instead of water...its a big stream of sheep, and the "water" wheel actually scoops up sheep and drops them on other sheep, like a giant sheep waterfall

This card is much more funnier if you skip the waiting for the bus part, and dont understand that the blind person isnt going to get hit by it

Quotes from people I know...

Its just people getting hurt. Thats all it is. ~ Sean explaining Americas Funniest Home Videos

I knew it, I was jerking it too much. ~ Jeff H.

Jason: Tye isnt going to change his major, he likes rocks too much.
Mom: WHAT?! He rocks too much?

I have a picture phone. Actually its a shoe box with a screen that I slide pictures of the people I am talking to. ~Zak

Do you want me to touch your nose? Move it over here.

Shut up! My fish are getting mad. ~John(the guy who dances in the shadows of the corners)

Random Questions...

I hate sororities...they are always like ooh, we are so good and we rock and shit like that...but do they let me join, nooooo.

So do blinkers actually have a use...or what? I mean seriously, the car companies put them there for a reason. Also its the, shit whats it called, oh yeah...THE LAW.

"What do you have in that ketchup bottle?" ~ cop to Scott