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Welcome To My Home Page

Long story short, this is now my website, all the other sites had gone and crapped themselves. I hadn't updated them in forever and it would almost be better to start from scratch, but look in the links for the original. Just to warn you, its been updated in around october of 2001. Yeah, I'm a pathetic one. Anyhow, for some reason everytime i tried to update them, something would crash and/or i would forget my passwords, you know, usual stuff.
Listing Site Updates

Instead of making an update page and making you wait for it to load and stuff like that, you can look below and see waht kind of stuff has been added.

11/24/03      Just a journal entry

11/09/03      More pictures in the panda section, added a journal entry, and the quotes are back....Seriously!!!!!!2!!!11!!!1,,, you bet your ass....why is that text like that? its not an email address....oh well, stupid thing

11/07/03      Added section called the Panda Chronicles...and i got rid of some tests on the test results page, cause they are just stupid

11/07/03      another fucking journal entry

9/14/03     journal enrty...woot, oh yeah, quotes too, woot woot

9/04/03     JOUrnal....finally huh?

7/28/03     yay, journal and a link, fun day!

7/26/03     finally updated the quotes and added a web-journal

6/29/03     Journal entry, quotes are cahnged...fianally, and i added more stuff about me.

6/09/03     journal entry, changed quote page, and i actually updated the squirrel page


Visit my Guestbook!

If any of you people out there would like me to change anything, add anything, or anything like that, email me and feel free to email me if you just feel like chatting.

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